The Journey from Early Humans to Human 2.0

Kailash Sirimalla
2 min readOct 6, 2024


Human evolution has been a long journey from our ape-like ancestors to modern humans. Now, I believe we’ve entered a new phase: Human 2.0. In this evolutionary leap, scientists have played a crucial role. They stand at the top of our society’s innovation chain. Throughout history, there have been brilliant minds who’ve reimagined how we live, putting in extra effort to transform human existence.

In my view, every decade brings a handful of visionaries who reshape our world. Their innovations might seem small at first, but over time, these changes major impact our lives. Just look at how we’ve progressed from telephones to mobile devices, from bulky desktops to the internet in our hands, and from massive circuit boards to nanotechnology. These inventions, along with countless others across various aspects of human life, have completely altered our reality.

That’s why I’m convinced we’ve stepped into the era of Human 2.0. Our way of life has transformed dramatically. We’ve gone from struggling to create fire by striking rocks to destroying asteroids in space. The improvement is staggering. From my perspective, the way we communicate, work, learn, and even think has undergone a radical shift. While the changes might have seemed gradual, looking back, it’s clear to me that we’re living in a fundamentally different world than our ancestors. This is Human 2.0, and I believe we’re just at the beginning of this exciting new chapter in human history.



Kailash Sirimalla
Kailash Sirimalla

Written by Kailash Sirimalla

I’m Kailash Sirimalla who is a multi-skilled UX Designer, Photographer, Hobby Writer & behavioural researcher. I’m fascinated by learning new thing constantly.

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